

Revenue Branch is one of the Administrative organizations in the administrative Set up of the D.C’s Office. The functioning of the Branch is more of regulatory, and statutorily it functions under the superintendence, directions and control of the Deputy Commissioner.

Particulars of organization, functions and duties

Revenue Branch is listed as one of the Administrative Branch under the D.C’s Establishment. The main activities of the Revenue Branch is mainly documentation of Land Holdings in Govt. Revenue Plots, like mutation, partition of holdings etc. The Branch also deals in acquisition of land for various Deptts. and agencies who require land. Issue of Land Valuation and Rent Certificates are also done by the Branch.

Snap shot on the functions and the role of the Branch and also its responsibilities as well as the duties of the general public in matters concerning with

  1. The Documentation of Land holdings in Govt. Revenue land.
  2. Issue of Land valuation Certificates
  3. Land Acquisition
  4. Issue of Rent Certificates
  5. Issue of NOC for obtaining Loans from Banks in respect of Govt. Lands.
  6. Survey & demarcation of Govt. Lands.
  7. Receipt of Land Revenue in respect of Govt. Revenue Land.

The Additional Deputy Commissioner i/c Revenue who is the notified public information officer of the Branch may be contacted for more information on the Revenue Branch.

Particulars of Organisation Functions and Duties:– Revenue Branch is listed as one of the Administrative Branch under the D.C’s Establishment. The main activities of the Revenue Branch is mainly documentation of Land Holdings in Govt Revenue Plots, like mutation, partition of holdings etc. The Branch also deals in acquisition of land for various Deptts. and agencies who require land. Issue of Land Valuation and Rent Certificates are also done by the Branch.

The fee structure for obtaining information is as prescribed by the State Government.

  1. The Budget estimates including submission of estimates to the Government of Meghalaya for the Branch is done by the Establishment Section of DC’s Office
  2. In matters of Land Acquisition, the Office prepares the Probable Cost of the proposed land and on receipt of the required amount from the requiring Deptt/Agency, payment is made to the Land owners while 10% of the total amount is being utilized as office contingency. The calculations are strictly made according to the Land Acquisition Act 1894 and also by following the guidelines of the Govt. from time to time.

The Revenue Branch normally confines itself to general revenue related works and other activities as and when directed by the State Revenue Department.