
Ki Kamra ha DC Ophis

Nombor Kamra Kyrteng Kamra Nombor Kamra Kyrteng Kamra
101 Superintendent Supply 111 Court Malkhana
102 D.S Excise/Supply 112 Prosecuting Inspector Branch
103 Supply Branch 113 Police Lock Up
104 Police Room 114  
105 DC Store Room 115 Sub-Engineer Gr-1
106 Superintendent and Inspector Supply 116 Election Strong Room
107 Inspector Supply 117 E-Stamp Room
108 Public Facilitation Centre(PFC) 118 Registration Branch
109 Access Control System 119 Sub-Inspector Supply
110 Store Room    


Nombor Kamra Kyrteng Kamra Nombor Kamra Kyrteng Kamra
201 DSC Branch 210 DC Excise
202 Judicial Branch 211 Nazarath Branch
203 Conference Room 212 Superintendent  and Inspector Excise
204 Election Branch 213 Election Branch (Enumerator)
205 Distt. Basin Development Branch 214 Election Branch (Enumerator)
206 Housing Branch 215 Excise Branch
207 AC (K.T. Nongsteng) 216 Stationery Branch
208 Election Branch (Enumerator) 217 H.A, Establishment, Accounts Branch
208(A) Border Area Development Branch 218 ADC
209 District Housing Officer    


Nombor Kamra Kyrteng Kamra Nombor Kamra Kyrteng Kamra
301 Deputy Commissioner (DC) 310  
301(A) Confidential Branch 311 Planning Branch
302(A) Supply 312 Video Conferencing Room
302(B) NIC UPS Room 313(A) AC (S. Phanbuh)
303   313(B) ADC
304 District Informatics Officer, NIC 313(C) ADC (R. Wahlang)
305 Revenue Branch 314 Bakijai, Development, General Branch
306 ADC (M. Lakiang) 315 ADC
307 AC (D.S. Lyngdoh) 316  AC
308(A) ADC (D. Kharshiing) 317 ADC (S. Warjri)
308(B) AC (R. Kulkarni) 318  
309 Election Computer Room 319 Political, Municipal, Arms Branch



Nombor Kamra Kyrteng Kamra
320 Library
321 Revenue Branch (Field Staff) Mandal
322 Aadhaar
323(A) Border Area Dev. Officer
323(B) Skilled Officer
324 ADC
325 Excise Branch